How the Elena S. Blair Mastermind gave me confidence to step into my full power.

Stepping into public creativity and it’s life force takes a certain level of intentionality, vulnerability and confidence. In an industry full of professionals and perfectly curated instagram accounts with a million followers and likes, stepping into your own space can feel near impossible.

For 13 years I’ve been photographing- playing with poses, experimenting with light, composing sessions with whoever I could, but it wasn’t until I joined the mastermind mentorship that I became a photographer. I’m a professional photographer. yes. For more than a decade I wouldn’t claim the title even though the fire and passion for this art was in me since before I can remember.

Voices surrounding me always said “you need a real degree”. I told my parents I wanted to do photography yet I was pressured into college. Younger me could feel the truth, it just needed the space to be. It needed to be nurtured, and that is exactly what Elena brought to the table.

Elena always says that the stereotype “the industry is oversaturated” is a lie. Its true. By nurturing my inner artist, she made me realize that I am my brand. ME! How can the “industry” be too oversaturated for me to fulfill my calling and purpose? Surely I was drawn to this art for a reason, and quickly my potential became clear.

It was so freeing to have an industry leader recognize the artist within me and create the space for me to step forward into this.

With weekly live calls, I joined a cohort of likeminded individuals all leaning into that same energy. We meditated together. We talked energetic- blockages, setbacks, ego stories. We had the hard conversations. We connected. We were given mentors to guide us and share their expertise and progress. It was 5 months full of dynamic, engaging change & wisdom exchange.

I’m not gonna lie- I got triggered. The mastermind was a catalyst for some of that blocked energy from my youth. Yeah. Those fears and stagnant dreams started moving around, up and out. I cried. A lot. I journaled. I processed with long drives, long walks, long bike rides. Some of the technical things were slower to integrate because so much energy was moving through me, but that is exactly how lasting change starts. Elena told us business success starts from the inside out and yeah- I know that now.

Through the one on one brand review with Elena, collaborative discussions in the cohort, energetic shifts, & the tools and resources I was given, those 5 months planted a solid foundation of success under my feet.

The proof is in the pudding- because of the guidance of the mastermind and the energy healing I was led through I set boundaries in my personal life and moved across the country from Arizona to South Carolina the same month the mastermind finished.

In January 2025 the in person retreat was held in Palm Springs. Rising stars and industry leading talent spoke on their niches, led demos and gave us their best business strategies. We gathered at tables, by the fire and shared heartspaces. An instant family was woven through our lineage as photographers. I felt connected, inspired, and powerful. It was a sealing up, a culmination of all my efforts, all the moments I had to face myself, and all the energy I set free. I’ve never felt like this in my life, but i’m hungry. My past pain was funneled into power to cultivate a brand, a purpose and a home for all my love. A fire for success was anchored deep within me. What an amazing jumpstart into 2025, and into my new life.

Leaving the retreat to return to Charleston was difficult. Leaving my people and that space that just sealed my identity as an artist into place-I didn’t want to lose how I felt there. BUT It wasn’t long before circumstances began aligning in my new city.

I was walking down Folly Beach on a Saturday and I noticed a few photographers here and there as I was exploring the rocks and finding my way to the lighthouse view. On my way back up the beach I spotted a large group- maybe 8 photographers doing a styled shoot. I watched for a minute, hesitant, and ultimately decided to walk back to my car. I sat for a minute in silence but my gut told me to go back. I tried to rationalize- no. stop. I need to do this. I need actually show up in that same energy that filled me up at the retreat.

So I grabbed my camera and walked back down the sand. I walked up and introduced myself! We all followed each other on instagram and they let me jump in on some content! Afterwards, we all grabbed dinner at a taco place I literally walked by that morning and posted a photo of on my story. Talk about alignment. One of the photographers asked me to join her at church, another one asked me to hang out the next week and a third invited me to another styled shoot. I even met and conversed with an amazing photographer from out of state.This is so cool. I don’t even recognize myself and my new confidence. I didn’t know it was in me.

I find myself constantly out and about now, constantly connecting with strangers in public. If someone is holding a camera? I’m asking questions. If I see my ideal client out and about? I spark conversation. If there’s an opportunity for connection I lean into it now.

I carried the energy from the Elena S. Blair Mastermind all the way from California to the opposite end of the country, and it is magnetizing.

Look, I even got to photograph some strangers walking past me on this bridge after we all connected on social media with my new photographer friend from the beach. Magnetizing.

I am so grateful for Elena, her mastermind & it’s life changing impact. I was drawn in to Elena’s brand years before knowing the mastermind would align so perfectly with my life journey. If your gut is telling you to seek mentorship, you know what I reccomend. Here’s the link. Click it.

Thank you Elena. ♥


moving to south carolina…twice!